Dreaming of Three
Featured in Horse & Rider Magazine, Cowgirls In Style, Equine Journal, Rodeo News, and Fast Horse Resource.

Our proud 2024 Bucking Nightmare
Show Partner!
Making a difference one rodeo at a time!
Dreaming of Three is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit. 46-0865817
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Dreaming of Three Scholarship
If you are either a graduating senior, enrolling in, a two or four year college or university or plan to attend a professional or trade school, or someone who is currently attending a two or four year college or university or professional or trade school, you may apply for the DO3 Scholarship.You must have documentation from a physician, documenting your illness; an unweighted G.P.A. of 3.25; a record of community service; two letters of recommendation from academic teachers and submit an essay, telling us why you want this scholarship and how your experience with your life-threatening illness impacted your life experience and career goals. We will be offering two scholarships: the top applicant will receive a $2500 scholarship and the runner-up will receive a $1500 scholarship.
You must complete the application obtained by clicking the link below and upload your letters of recommendation from two academic teachers, a copy of your high school transcript, and documentation from your physician, documenting your illness.
Applications will be accepted from March 1 until April 30, with the winners announced and notified by email on or before May 31 of the scholarship award year. Applicants may not have received this scholarship previously.